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Have it serviced weekly when grass is actively growing,  and service it enough so it never get cut more than one third of the grass blade each time.

Cut back shrubs grown primarily for their foliage, such as barberry and burning bush, almost anytime except in late autumn. New growth that starts after late-season pruning won’t harden off properly before winter. If you want to do major pruning, it’s best to cut theshrub back when it is dormant in Winter.

You want to time fertilizing so it occurs just before grass enters its peak growing phase. If you live in southern areas where lawns feature warm-season grasses, fertilize turf in late spring or early summer, just before grass kicks into high gear. Make a second application in late summer. One more time in Fall and a last one more time.

When watering an established lawn, it’s typically recommended to water until the top 6-8 inches of soil (where most turfgrass roots grow) is wet. Be sure not to overwater your lawn. Most lawns need 1 inch of water per week, either from rain or watering, to soak the soil 6-8 inches deep.

To avoid this evaporation, water your lawn in the early morning. However, if you notice your grass is under drought stress in the middle of the day, water right away to prevent lawndeath or disease. In other words, don’t let the sun scare you from watering your lawn when it’s at its thirstiest.

Maintaining a well manicured lawn is a task that never ends. While mowing, string trimming and fertilizing can help a lawn look healthy and lush, using a string trimmer to do the edge of the lawn  can quickly lead to an unkempt appearance that detracts from all your hard work and over all manicured look of your landscape.  So, yes it does matter.

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